Among the endurance runners it was Ben O’Neil U17), who achieved the performance of the day in the 800m with an excellent PB of 2:08.98, an improvement of 7 seconds. Gillian Johnstone (U15) ran excellent races in the 800m (3.14) and 1500m (6.31). Gillian, who has a visual impairment, ran these races without a guide. The Grange Academy pupil recently participated in the Scottish Disability Sport National Cross Country 2012 held at Bellahouston Park, Glasgow where she achieved an excellent time of 15.48 in the 3K, finishing 1st place in her age group.

6 Harriers competed in the popular sprint events and run either new PBs or close to their existing PBs. New comer Cameron Wilson (U15) achieved outstanding results, winning both his heats comfortably with two new big PBs, 200m (25.67) and 400m (59.63). Kuda Tapatapa (U17) cocked 7.72 in the 60m and battled it out for second place in his heat in the 200m crossing the line in 24.60 (PB).
Eleven year old Robert Brady (13) came second in his heat in the 60m clocking 9.25 and equalled his PB in the 200m running 31.20. Reed Wyper (U17) came close to his PB in the 200m where he ran 25.35 and showed consistency in the 60m running 7.90. Two seniors (both U20), represented the club at this event, with Scott Young finishing 3rd in his 60m heat 7.56 (close to his PB) and running 24.68 in the 200m. Roy
Shankland finished 2nd in his 60m heat (7.33), 2nd in the 200m heat (22.80) crossing the line in 50.97 in the 400m race. Well done to all athletes who represented the club at this event.