Successful debut in pole vault competition at Grangemouth Stadium

Kilmarnock Harriers pole vault group travelled to Grangemouth stadium on Wednesday 1st May to compete for the first time in this event. The group consisting of Evie Bartl, Cara Baillie (both U15)  and coach Harald felt fairly confident after the last training sessions, where all athletes registered good clearances over a proper bar. All were keen to apply their recently acquired skills now in a real competition environment.

The event was slightly delayed  as stadium staff  had to to search for suitable poles and this  unscheduled delay meant a bit more nervousness  among the newcomers as there was only limited time left for warm up jumps. However, our two athletes showed nerves and cleared comfortably the starting height of 1.50m. In the pole event event the bar is raised by  20 cm increments, which was a challenge for Evie . Evie had 3 attempts at 1.70m and was unlucky to fail in her 3rd attempt. Her club mate Cara cleared 1.70m in her first attempt  and had further brave attempts at the next height grangemouth may Harald1.90m, showing that this height is a real target in the very near future. Coach Harald cleared 2.10m in his second attempt and had also a go at 2.30m but stopped after two attempts due to the slippery run way (forgot his spikes).

grangemouth may Harald-3Overall this was a very good learning experience for all and Cara can now look confidently forward to the upcoming West District in two weeks time, knowing that the opening height of 1.70m should not trouble her too much. After all this will be a home game for her as the West District will be held at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena.
