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Clima-Cool T-Shirt (Back)

Well done to the juniors who completed the first 2 challenges Number 3 is again two parts. A 2 minutes 30 second run Based on the same format as week 1 s 5 minute run So for example if you covered 1000mtrs in 5minutes look to do 525mtrs / 550mtrs in the 2 minutes 30 secoonds
Part 2 is a standing vertical jump stand against a wall and have your height measured Then standing parallel with the wall ,jump up and see how high you can touch the wall with one hand
Your score is taken by calculating the difference from your height to how high up the wall you touched
Example athlete is 4ft( 1.2mtrs ) tall and they touch the wall at 5ft ( 1.5mtrs ) there score is 1foot ( 30 cm )
Racking my brains for a throws challenge for next week
